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Vicar of Filey

Rev Phil Maudsley is the vicar of Filey Parish.


Alongside this busy role, he is also chaplain for Filey Police, Filey Sea Cadets, Filey RNLI and the Filey branch of the Royal British Legion.

Phil is also a governor for Filey Nursery and Infant School.

Ministry Team


Revd. Paul Burkitt
Retired Minister who came from inner city Hull. He has a real heart of compassion for those who struggle in life

Trisha Wick edited.jpg

Revd. Canon Patricia (Trisha) Wick
'Retired Minister'
During Trisha's ministry she has been involved in church planting, church growth and spent 16 years in South Sudan working with theological education. She has a real heart for working in the local community


Susan Neilson


Retired Head Teacher whose roots run deep in Filey has a particular ministry with the bereaved


Janice Midwood


Until recently Janice was Spiritual support leader at a local hospice and heads up our Pastoral Support Team

Church Wardens and Administrator

St. Oswald's Church Warden

This post is currently vacant.

If you are interested, then please contact the Parish Office.

St. John's Church Warden

This post is currently vacant.

If you are interested, then please contact the Parish Office.

St. Thomas' Church Warden

This post is currently vacant.

If you are interested, then please contact the Parish Office.

Church Administrator

Liz Goodwill


Parish Office


9am - 2pm

Thursday – Friday

9am – 2:30pm

Parochial Church Council (PCC) Members

John Clarke

Margaret Clarke

Paul Evans

Liz Goodwill - Safeguarding Officer (co-opted on to PCC)

Maggie Hebden

Paul Luxton - Deanery Synod representative

Janice Midwood - PCC Secretary

Pam Roberts

Gill Wilkinson

Graham Wilkinson - Buildings

Christine Wilson - St. John's Parish Centre Letting Officer

David Wilson - Financial Administrator

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